At Realty Income, we aim to build enduring relationships and brighter financial futures with all our stakeholders, including our clients. Leveraging our size and scale, we can provide attractive solutions to everyday problems. Select the problem you are facing below to find a solution by connecting with our team.
Explore Real Estate Opportunities With Our Acquisitions Team
We remain an active buyer of real estate and have an internal team dedicated to sourcing opportunities from brokers, advisors, and various owners, users and developers of real estate.
Realty Income works with real estate professionals and property owners looking to:
- Recapitalize company balance sheets by selling otherwise illiquid real estate assets
- Assist in recycling real estate sale proceeds into higher return investments thus increasing shareholder value
- Provide capital for dividend recapitalizations
- Leverage the real estate component of an acquisition
- Provide growth capital for new property construction
- Maximize shareholder value by realizing a higher real estate multiple (share buy-backs)

Align With Our Development Team
Realty Income partners with developers to finance and acquire properties under development and execute redevelopment opportunities without existing assets. We execute our development strategy by providing:
- Partnerships with developers on a fee basis with minimal risk and no capital requirements
- 100% development financing and acquisition of projects, with no points or fees charged

Promote Environmental Sustainability
Realty Income is committed to conducting our business according to the highest ethical standards. We are dedicated to providing an engaging, diverse and safe work environment for our employees. Moreso, we focus on operating our business in an environmentally conscious manner and upholding our corporate responsibilities as a public company for the benefit of our stakeholders—our shareholders, clients, colleagues and community.
Please contact us if you are interested in exploring environmentally focused projects at your site.

Optimize Your Options With Our Asset Management Team
By leveraging our leading size and scale, Realty Income partners with new and existing clients to:
- Optimize space available with the highest and best use
- Maximize value generated from the existing portfolio
- Selectively sell assets in accordance with our disposition strategy

Answer Billing Questions Through Our Finance Operations Team
Realty Income is committed to providing timely, easy and efficient billing information to all our clients. We can be a resource to you in the areas of:
- Accounts receivable - contact us
- Invoicing issues - contact us

Engage With Our Property Management Team
Realty Income is dedicated to sustaining client satisfaction through a suite of comprehensive services and responsive dialogue, including:
- Scheduling repairs and maintenance
- Retrofitting existing facilities (ex: LED lights)
- Upgrading existing systems to be more energy efficient (ex: HVAC upgrades)
- Adding infrastructure to support energy-efficient practices (ex: installation of electric vehicle chargers)