Direct (Scope 1 & 2) GHG emissions GRI 305-1

Total GHG emissions (MT CO2e) 2022 2021 2020
Total scope 1 & 2 emissions 351 271 283
Direct scope 1 emissions 16 14 13
Indirect scope 2 emissions (location-based) 335 256 271
Data coverage (square feet)
Total square footage 113,187 99,485 99,485
Estimated 0 0 0
Actual 113,187 99,485 99,485
% Actual 100 100 100

Emissions reporting is aligned with the WRI’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. Scope 1 and 2 emissions are reported for our corporate offices. Leased office spaces less than 2,000 sq ft have been excluded from the calculations. Greenhouse gas emissions apply U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Emissions Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories for stationary combustion, U.S. EPA’s eGRID 2021 for electricity use, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Fifth Assessment Report.



Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions GRI 305-2

See 305-1

Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions GRI 305-3

Total GHG emissions (MT CO2e) 2022 2021 2020
Other indirect scope 3 emissions 2,250,901 2,052,948 1,170,829
Estimated 1,466,840 1,798,351 1,134,934
Actual 784,061 254,597 35,895
Data coverage (square feet)
Total square footage 241,584,678 215,267,170 114,552,424
Estimated 157,724,566 183,560,394 110,408,255
Actual 83,860,112 31,706,776 4,144,169
% Actual 34.7 14.7 3.6

Emissions reporting is aligned with the WRI’s Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. Scope 3 emissions are reported for downstream leased properties owned during the reporting year, properties held at year end, including acquisitions, and properties sold during the year. Greenhouse gas emissions apply U.S. EPA’s Emissions Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories for stationary combustion, U.S. EPA’s eGRID 2021 for electricity use, U.K. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (DEFRA) greenhouse gas conversion factors 2022 International Energy Agency Emissions Factors 2022 from electricity and heat generation, and the IPCC’s, Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). Underlying energy consumption is based upon the methodology outlined in 302- 2. To be consistent with statements made in our financial reporting, our calculations use leasable building square footage. We exclude leased land categorized as agriculture.



GHG emissions intensity GRI 305-4

Emissions intensity (kg CO2e/SF) 2022 2021 2020 2020
Within the organization 3.1 2.7 2.8 2.8
Data coverage (square footage) 113,187 99,485 99,485 99,485
Outside the organization 10.2 * * 10.2
Data coverage (square footage) 220,555,945 * * 114,552,424

See 305-1 and 305-3 for reporting boundary.
¹ Square feet adjusted for the ownership period during the reporting year.
* Prior year intensity figures have been removed. These figures rely on the U.S. EIA’s Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), which was updated in the reporting year and distorts the comparability of year-over-year environmental performance.